Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still Going Strong!

Hey Girls! 

30 minutes of exercise this morning.  Started the day with the oatmeal and a protein drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Interestingly, I stayed full until way PAST lunchtime!  Grilled chicken for late lunch, apple for snack and sauteed shrimp for dinner!  Yummo!  Didn't do my eggs yet today, but I will get them in tomorrow instead!  Did those vitamins, and it may be my imagination, but I have been completely full of energy today and totally focused!  Yahoo!  It will be interesting to weigh at the end of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyone else?!


  1. By the way--how any one human being consumes 3 whole liters of water a day without floating down the street is beyond me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I agree i am avergaging about 1 1/2 liters a day and it is waking me up all night
